----- ----- Earn Money on the Internet

IF You want to make some money. Look below there are some great sites, where you can make lots of money You only have to be online or you most surf the internet. I've already received some cheques so sign up quick and make lots of money ! ! ! ! ! !


Some Advise: If you want to make more money, make a webpage like this and you will get more referals. How more referals you have, the money you make. The second advise is: Turn on more PayPrograms at the same time, how more programs are on, how more money you'll make. And that is what you want ! ! ! ! !


Rating: X = terrible Program, XX = Can be Beter, XXX = An average Program, XXXX = Good Program, XXXXX = Sing Up Now !

Alladvantage: This is where it all started a year ago. You can make $ 0.50 a hour. The maximum is around 25 hours (The Netherlands 27) You can download the PayProgram directly after you've sign up. Most reliable Program.!.!.!                         XXXX

CashFiesta: This is the best program I had so far. You only have to move you mouse some times and be Online. They pay around(point system) $ 0.60 a hour. You can make as much hours and money in a month as posible, There is no limit. If you sign up you can download the PayProgram directly. With this program you can make more money then with alladvantage so Sing Up Fast                                                                                                                                                                                                         XXXXX

**NEW** AdFrame: Dutch company, They wil pay you 50% of there totale income. The Banner is small and there are unlimited hours so you can make as much money as you can. There Payprogram is good, you can hide it below an other program. So Sign op fast.                                                                                                                                                                         XXXX

BePaid: This company will pay you at least $ 20 a hour (max of $ 120). They don't have a banner. They will let you see full screen ads (600x800). The PayProgram isn't avlaibele yet, but they say it will be soon. The referral program is two levels deep direct you earn 20% of there earnings, indirect you will earn 13%. Sign Up !!!                                                                      XXX

AdSenger: They will pay you maximum $ 10 an AD. You can make 20% of your direct referrals earnings, plus 10% of your indirect referrals earning, up to 4 levels. There PayProgram is available at the end of juni. So sign up fast.!.!.!.! and earn money as soon as they released the program.!.!.!, Much Money ! ! !                                                                                                 XXXX

DesktopDollars: Will pay you 45 % of there profit.  you can get paid for an unlimited number of ads per month. There referral program are 6 levels deep. ( 15%, 5%, 2%, 1%, 1% ). There Payprogam is available, you can download it after you signed up. This program is one of the best there is. They only thing you have to do to make money is be online, Nothing more. So you don't have to surf or move you mouse, just be Online, that's all.


Don't forget The more programs you've signed up, The Money you've Make !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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